We sit down with Mark Braddock, Chief Operations Officer at Recordsure, to learn about seamlessly bringing new AI technology into the office without alienating members of the team

Let’s face it: when it comes to bringing in automation to an organisation, there is an elephant in the room, namely the fear that robots are going to steal jobs. It is a common concern rife with myths that need to be debunked.

All too often, planning is focused on technical implementation. As a rule though, adapting technical infrastructure is easier than adapting culture, and supporting staff within the organisation through change is absolutely crucial.

What jobs do robots like doing?

It is important to consider the kind of tasks that can be automated. AI lacks the multi-faceted understanding of the human brain and instead thrives in environments that are repetitive and highly structured. Whilst some low skilled jobs have the potential to be fully automated, in most cases, it will be more of a case of individual tasks within a wider role being replaced by AI solutions, with McKinsey & Company predicting that 60% of current jobs will have 30% of activity automated.

This is an important distinction: in most cases, technology isn’t replacing roles but helping to lighten the workload. And what elements of the workload? Typically the mundane admin tasks that people find tedious.

From our experience working with data analysts, we are finding up to 80% of people’s time is spent organising and sifting through data. Recordsure’s speech analytics tools enable the automation of this part of the process though, which is transformational: rather than randomly sampling a tiny percentage of audio files, analysts can now review 100% of them by cutting out the bulk of the admin. This then means they can spend most of their day focusing their energy on the areas they can shine and bring their skills to bear.


From our experience, the reaction to this is overwhelmingly positive once staff realise they have been handed a tool that enables them to become more effective and focus increased time on the more rewarding aspects of their role. For instance, give sales teams voice analytics tools which free up more time to spend with customers whilst drawing new insights that help them improve their pitch and you can expect to see smiles on faces.

It is important to be open with staff from the outset: keep everyone in the loop, make it clear how technology is being brought in to support existing processes, explain how it fits within the wider business strategy and make sure everyone understands the benefits to them specifically. Create an open environment where those involved know what is happening and feel comfortable asking questions.

Pilot with a sample

It’s generally best practice to pilot implementation of any new initiative with a small sample before wider rollouts across the department or organisation. When considering who to involve in a pilot, try and focus on members of the team who are enthusiastic, pro-active and open to innovative thinking.

It’s important that this is a two-way conversation: ask for feedback, and make sure that responses are taken into consideration. Being part of a bigger project and seeing the value that contributions are having are great ways to strengthen a team and increase the number of people that share the wider vision.

This will in turn help create a genuine and organic momentum within the business as roll out begins. Keep good communication throughout and make sure updates are shared and discussed at team meetings. Prevent fear of the unknown through familiarity and discussion, and instead grow a culture of excitement as the benefits are embraced.

Ultimately, I’m a firm believer that an organisation is only as strong as the people that make it. Technology doesn’t change this: it simply creates new tools to help make those people more and effective.

Mark Braddock is Chief Operations Officer at Recordsure. To learn more about voice analytics and automation implementation feel free to get in touch.